Domestic company LAVA that make mobile phones added E-tabs tablet. The company has launched Lava XTron tablet, which is a dual-core Cortex A 9 processor with 1.5 gigahertz. The tablet has Mali-400 3D graphics processor unit and DDR3 3 GB RAM, which is a high-quality display of the tablet.
Features of Dual Core Processor Based LAVA Tablet:-
IPS capacitive multi touch tablet 7 inches touch screen display which supports a resolution of 1024 x 600 pixels resolution. Tablet runs on Android 4.1.1 operating system jelly bean.
Tablet has 8GB internal memory, with 5 GB of user memory. If you take more than just a movie tablet can increase the memory up to 32 GB.
Tables has 2 Mega pixels primary camera that on top middles bar.
Tablet has more pre loaded apps like Google maps, Gmail, Android Browser, Facebook, Office Suite, YouTube, Nimbuzz, Twitter, Flash Player, Adobe reader, TOI, Fusion, Pizza Ninja, Solitaire, Chess, Memory Game, Sudoku, Mine Sweeper, Ping Pong, Weather Report , Clock, Calendar, Calculator, Games, Big Flix, Edukart, Hungama, Meritnation.
In addition, you can access Google Play store thousands of free and paid apps, the other can get.
eTab Xtron has 3500 mah battery that running 3 to 4 hours with open wifi connections supported.
Connectivity -USB Dongle for Tablet Wi-Fi and 3G option. The other options include USB connectivity and audio jack, a tablet on which you can enjoy music and video. Tablet mp3, wma, mp2, ogg, aac, m4a, ma4, flac, ape, 3gp and audio formats such as wav and two dozen video formats are supported.
Tablet price is Rs 6499. The tablet can be purchased on Flipcart, which also provides it with a 30 day replacement guarantee. Manufacture Company one year warranty and 6 months warranty offered for other accessory.
Features of Dual Core Processor Based LAVA Tablet:-
IPS capacitive multi touch tablet 7 inches touch screen display which supports a resolution of 1024 x 600 pixels resolution. Tablet runs on Android 4.1.1 operating system jelly bean.
Tablet has 8GB internal memory, with 5 GB of user memory. If you take more than just a movie tablet can increase the memory up to 32 GB.
Tables has 2 Mega pixels primary camera that on top middles bar.
Tablet has more pre loaded apps like Google maps, Gmail, Android Browser, Facebook, Office Suite, YouTube, Nimbuzz, Twitter, Flash Player, Adobe reader, TOI, Fusion, Pizza Ninja, Solitaire, Chess, Memory Game, Sudoku, Mine Sweeper, Ping Pong, Weather Report , Clock, Calendar, Calculator, Games, Big Flix, Edukart, Hungama, Meritnation.
In addition, you can access Google Play store thousands of free and paid apps, the other can get.
eTab Xtron has 3500 mah battery that running 3 to 4 hours with open wifi connections supported.
Connectivity -USB Dongle for Tablet Wi-Fi and 3G option. The other options include USB connectivity and audio jack, a tablet on which you can enjoy music and video. Tablet mp3, wma, mp2, ogg, aac, m4a, ma4, flac, ape, 3gp and audio formats such as wav and two dozen video formats are supported.
Tablet price is Rs 6499. The tablet can be purchased on Flipcart, which also provides it with a 30 day replacement guarantee. Manufacture Company one year warranty and 6 months warranty offered for other accessory.
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